How do I know if my plant needs repotting?

Check for these common signs:

  • Roots growing from drainage holes or appearing on the soil surface
  • Wilting or yellowing leaves
  • Little or no new growth
  • Plants usually need annual repotting to maintain vigorous growth and beauty. Acid or soil impurities can build up in your soil and hinder plant growth.

    When it's time to repot, choose a pot slightly larger than the original with adequate drainage. Many horticulturists recommend covering the drainage hole with a piece of clay pot to keep the hole open for water drainage, while keeping soil from spilling out.

    Add several inches of a quality all-purpose planting mix such as Schultz® Potting Soil Plus. Remove the plant from its old pot by covering the soil surface with your hand, and then turning the pot upside down to loosen the root ball.

    Remove any loose, crusty looking old soil, but do not disturb the roots too much. Set the root ball on top of the soil in your new pot. Center the plant, then fill in around the sides of the root ball with new soil. Pack the soil down gently as you fill to eliminate gaps in the soil. Fill the pot to within an inch or so from the pot rim (this will help you avoid overflowing the pot at watering time).

    Water the newly repotted plant slowly; allow the soil to absorb the water, drain, and then add more water to ensure thorough moistening.

    Set your plant in a slightly shaded location in the house or outdoors (in the appropriate season) for a day or so to allow the root fibers to begin new growth. Then return your plant to its original location. Water only when the soil is dry on top to the touch. And feed your plants every time you water with Schultz Liquid Plant Food 10-15-10. Just "7 Drops" per quart water delivers the right balance of primary and secondary ("micro") nutrients your plants need for vigorous growth, beauty, and health.